Home Landlines


What do we offer?

NRG offering  extremely competitive tariffs for local, national and international calls, landlines, fax to email, mobile solutions, bulk text messaging, non geographical numerbs

Traditional call charge savings

NRG offer competitive bespoke tariffs for local, national, international calls to match your call traffic profile. You can save an average of 30% on the cost of your outbound calls. With no prefixes or reprogramming required you can make the switch and call as normal, completely hassle-free.   

Wholesale Line Rental

By paying for your calls and line rental on one single bill, cuts additional suppliers out of the loop, and can provide upto 15% discounts on your line rental.

Telephone Equipment Installation

Having the right telecommunications is vital for any business to succeed.
If a customer cannot communicate with you because you're engaged or out of order you could loose business.  Whether you require a simple two phone system or a fully networked digital solution, NRG have partners that will advise you on the most cost effective equipment requirement to meet your needs. Please contact us and we can introduce you to them.